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A neighborhood bursting with pride and dedication.  A home for your family.  Just look around you -- that's the main reason you have chosen to live here.

Our homeowners association exists to keep our neighborhood the quality we all expect.  Various information is included on this web site, including meeting dates/times and bylaws and covenants which outline your responsibilities as an association member. 

We encourage all association members to attend these meetings and personally voice their concerns or just come to keep in touch with the neighborhood news.

Upcoming Events

Garage Sales - 2025

To see all of the upcoming events, check out the Meeting and Events page.

Please remember that while you are out and about the neighborhood, whether taking a walk around the block or playing at the park, we ask that you pick up your trash. We are a group of volunteers and don’t have the resources to maintain trashcans throughout the 25 acres of commons space.

Please also pick up your pet’s waste and take it back home with you to dispose of properly. Keep in mind that your pets can carry parasites that are transmittable to people and other pets. No one likes to step in a mess while they are out enjoying the beautiful weather.

Let’s all keep our community clean and pick up as you go! Thank you!

Yard of the Month

During the summer, we search for those homes in our neighborhood that exemplify the care and pride we take in our association. We vote on the best one and they get the honor of “Yard of the Month”. We present them with a gift card and a sign is placed for all to see. We also post a photo of their beautiful yard in our newsletter and on our website.

We would love for you to share and nominate those who you think deserve to get this award. Whether it is yourself or a neighbor, we love to see the beauty that you see around our neighborhood association.

Connect with neighbors on

Needing more ways to get free help and suggestions from people in your area? Check out for a private online network. 

Our neighborhood is identified as “Briarhurst One” on this site where neighbors share community events, recommendations, items for sale/free, crime/safety concerns, ideas on how to make our neighborhood better, and more.

It is free and a great way to interact with others in our neighborhood.